
Privacy policy

We want you to feel comfortable in how we handle your personal information. On this page you can read about what information we collect, how we handle and store it and your rights to the information. 


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applies within the European union from May 25th 2018. One of the purposes of GDPR is to protect individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly their right to protection of their personal data. Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Read more about GDPR on www.gdpr.eu

Slaettaratindur AB with the organization number 559215–8488, Västmannagatan 89, 113 26 Stockholm is responsible for your personal data. 


Personal data is only collected to enable you to purshase the game HITSTER on https://www.hitstergame.com and partner channels. 



A cookie is a text file that is saved on your harddrive when you visit a website. HITSTER use cookies to give you as a visitor access to certain features on the website but the cookie does not contain any personal data. 

We use cookies to store non-personal visitors statistics on Google Analytics. 

The cookie is stored on your device and you can delete it at any point. You can also disable cookies in your browser. 


Marketing in social media
We share browsing behavior with platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, who might use it to give you certain offers and ads. You can limit this function in the social media settings. 


Contact with customer service

You can contact use using the contact page or by e-mail. The conversation, inlcuding your personal data, will be saved for 12 months.


Other 3rd parties

HITSTER is dependant on 3rd parties to develop, manufacture, sell and distribute HITSTER. These suppliers might get access to personal data when providing their services such as support and troubleshooting. These organizations are obliged to adhere to the same regulations in terms of protecting your personal data as we are. 


We will never sell your personal data but could be forced to share it by the court of law. 


You have the right to get access to your personal data, ask for changes to it and its deletion. 

Should you wish to exersice your rights, send an e-mail to [email protected]



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